Walk 25 - From Brixton Tube Station, at the Southern End of the Victoria Line to Herne Hill via Brixton Windmill and Brockwell Park
Walk Distance 5 Kilometres (3.5 miles)
Underfoot Paved throughout
Journey Time (from Central London to Brixton) 10 minutes
Getting Back to Central London Return by train from Herne Hill to Victoria
Points of Interest Brixton Windmill, Brockwell Park
Refreshments - Cafes and pubs in Brixton, cafe in Brockwell Park
Opportunities For Shortening This Walk - Bus stops en route for return to Brixton
Route Description
1. Come out of Brixton Station and turn left to reach a busy road junction. Go ahead and cross the A2217 Coldharbour Lane to reach a area of concrete and trees known as Windrush Square. Turn right immediately and cross Effra Road to reach the triangle of land formed by the junction of Effra Road and the A23 Brixton Hill. You are going to walk up the right hand side (Brixton Hill) of this triangle which contains St Matthew’s Church. Turn left and walk past the right hand side of the church and proceed up Brixton Hill keeping to the left hand footway. Pass Brixton Orchard and enter Rush Common, a green area parallel to the road which will separate you for a few hundred metres from the busy traffic.
2. Where the green area finishes, cross Water Lane and rejoin the footway of Brixton Hill. Use the next set of pedestrian lights to cross to the other side of Brixton Hill. Turn left up the footway and right into Blenheim Gardens. Walk to the end of this short road and enter Windmill Gardens to see Brixton Windmill. After viewing the windmill, retrace your steps to Brixton Hill. Cross over, turn right and walk up the left hand footway to Elm Park which is the fourth road on the left. Turn left into Elm Park and walk down this quiet street for 400 metres. Turn left into Claverdale Road to reach the A204 Tulse Hill. Cross with care and enter the pathway between houses to the right of the petrol station.
3. The pathway turns left, right, left and right again to reach Brockwell Park. You can follow almost any route through the park without getting lost. (See the plan on this page.) So, what follows, is simply a suggested route. Go ahead across a grassy path and turn left around a hedge. Visit the walled garden ahead on your right and then walk past the pond on your left. Swing right around the Community Greenhouses, pass between tennis courts and turn right again to reach a grass area. Walk across the grass to visit the park café which offers a good range of food and drink.