Walk No 14 - From Richmond, at the western end of the District Line,  to Boston Manor

Walk Distance   8 Kilometres (5 miles)

Underfoot  Paved paths throughout except for 300m near the end

Journey Time (from Central London to Richmond)   30 minutes

Getting Back to Central London   By Piccadilly Line from Boston Manor

Points of Interest   Richmond Lock, Isleworth, Syon Park, Grand Union Canal

Refreshments -  Two pubs at Isleworth, Garden Centre Coffee Shop in Syon Park,  one pub at Brentford, cafe at Boston Manor

Opportunities for Shortening the Route -   Buses from Brentford  (237 or 235  to Isleworth Station)  

Route Directions


1.  Cross the road in front of Richmond Station using the pedestrian lights and go ahead through an alleyway. Turn left and walk along a road called Little Green.  Very soon, a large grassy area (Richmond Green) appears on your right.  Take the diagonal path which cuts across the centre of the green. Cross a small road and continue in the same direction to the far corner of the Green. Enter Old Palace Lane and follow it down to the River Thames (passing The White Swan PH)

2.  Turn right on the riverside path. Pass under two bridges and walk for 350m to Richmond Lock.  Use the footbridge to cross the River Thames and continue along the opposite bank in the same direction as before.  Reach the end of the riverside path and swing left on a small road to reach a main road.

3.  Turn right and walk for 400m passing a sign which says you have entered Isleworth. Where the main road swings left, turn right on Lion Wharf Road and walk down to the riverside.  Turn left and pass between Town Wharf PH and the river. Where a small river (the River Crane) enters the Thames, you are obliged to turn inland and cross a bridge. Continue past another pub called the London Apprentice.

4.  You now have a good open view of the river with Isleworth Church on your left. Swing left with road. Soon there is an entrance gate on your right signed as “Syon Park Hotel”. Enter the park and walk ahead near its right-hand perimeter. After about 300m there is a good view of Syon House to your right.

5.  Within 100m, reach Syon Park Garden Centre which has an excellent tea room.  Afterwards, continue ahead past a car park. The road narrows to a broad footpath and swings left through gates to emerge on a main road.  Turn right and walk 200m to a bridge over the Grand Union Canal at Brentford.

6.  Just before the bridge, cross the road using pedestrian traffic lights and descend to the canal side.  At this point there are numerous signposts pointing your way to “Osterley” and “Hanwell”.  Follow the towpath past waterside developments. Ahead of you on the opposite bank you will see the prominent offices of Glaxo-Smith-Kline. You will  also hear the roar of traffic on the M4,

7.  Continue on the towpath until you reach a high curved footbridge bearing the legend “Grand Central Canal Company 1820” which obliges you to cross to the other side of the waterway. Continue along the towpath and pass under two more bridges.  Immediately after the second bridge (which carries the M4), leave the canal and  turn right on a footpath signed “Boston Manor Stn”.  Climb gently uphill and go ahead at the top to emerge on a residential road. Turn right and walk to the first junction. Turn left and then right to reach Boston Manor Tube Station.