Walk 22 - From Elephant & Castle, at the Southern End of the Bakerloo Line, to Green Park Tube Station
Walk Distance 6 Kilometres (4 miles)
Underfoot Good surfaces throughout
Journey Time (from Central London to Elephant & Castle) 10 minutes
Getting Back to Central London Finishes in Central London
Points of Interest Imperial War Museum, Archbishop's Park, Westminster Bridge, The London Eye, Houses of Parliament, St James's Park, Buckingham Palace, Green Park
Refreshments - Grand Union Pub in Brook Drive, refreshment stalls in St James's Park, many coffee shops near end point.
Opportunities For Shortening This Walk After emerging from Archbishop's Park there are numerous bus stops. Also, the walk passes Westminster Tube Station.
Route Description
1. Come out of the station and cross two sets of traffic lights directly in front of you to reach the other side of the A302 St George’s Road. Turn right along the footway for a few steps and then first left into Oswin Street. Walk to a T-junctio and turn right (into Brook Drive). Continue for about 500m to the end of this road where it meets Kennington Road. The Imperial War Museum is now on your right and the Tankard Pub on your left.
2. Cross Kennington Road using the pedestrian traffic lights. Go ahead through a gap between some blocks of flats and walk through a small parking area to reach a corner where a road comes in from your right and continues ahead which is your route. Continue for about 400m and turn right into Juxon Street which brings you out to a main road (Lambeth Road).
3. Use the conveniently placed pedestrian crossing and go ahead into a narrow entrance marked “Archbishops Park”. Walk into the Park. You may choose to go in either direction around the central football pitch but your exit is at the far left hand corner of the park. If you choose the right hand path you will see a modern toilet facility on your right at the point where you need to start swinging left.
4. Exit the park opposite St Thomas’s Hospital. Turn right. Cross the road and continue in the same direction to go left with the footway at a major traffic roundabout into Westminster Bridge Road with Big Ben clearly visible ahead. When you reach the bridge, you will see the London Eye to your right. Walk across the bridge and continue in the same direction with the Houses of Parliament on your left. Cross to the right hand footway and continue in the same direction as before by using the traffic lights at the bottom of Whitehall.
5. Pass Parliament Square on your left and go ahead into Great George Street. Continue into Birdcage Walk. You will see St James’s Park on your right. Take the first available entrance to the park. Go down to the lake and turn left. Walk with the lake on your right until you reach a bridge. Turn right and cross the bridge from which there are good views of Buckingham Palace.
6. At the far end of the bridge , turn left and walk with the lake on your left. Just before you reach the end of the lake (with a large wall ahead) turn right up a path. Leave St James’s Park and cross the Mall, with Buckingham Palace on your left. Enter Green Park and swing left around a curving wall. Turn right at the first major cossing path to walk slightly uphill for about 450m to reach Piccadilly and Green Park Tube Station.